Terms and conditions

Terms and contitions (these terms are only a translation of the Swedish T&C’s which are the guiding terms)2021-03-01

1 Definitions

The terms and conditions includes the following:

Subscription: Agreement between Jonna and renter for using bike and services in exchange for payment as of these terms.

Terms: These terms and conditions.

End date: End date of subscription due to cancellation by handing back bike or by message from Jonna.

Bike: The bike the renter has access to during the subscription.

Renters: All physical persons subscribing to Jonna.

Jonna: Jonna AB, 559249-1541.

Free service: The solution Jonna provices by either repairing or swapping bikes, at our Stockholm lovation, if the bike is not reideable.

Non free serive: Defined in article 5.3

2 Applicability

2.1 These terms are in effect for all contracts between Jonna and renters.

2.2 Contracts between Jonna and renters in deviation from or in addition to these terms and conditions applies only if explicitly confirmed in writing by Jonna, e.g. via email.

2.3 All sums mentioned by Jonna include VAT.

3. Subscription

3.1 During an active contract a renter has access to Jonna’s services. These include the bike with one lock and key, a basket, and back and front lights. The renter also has access to free service (see article 5), and quick adjustments at Jonnas locations.

4. Terms

4.1 The renter shall take care of the bike as well as possible. This entails making sure screws and fittings are always tightened and not cycling with a loose chain.

4.2 The bike should only be in private use and may not be used by others than the renter.

4.3 The bike may not be used for commercial purposes, such as delivery services.

4.4 The bike belongs to Jonna or finance company partnering with Jonna. The renter is responsible to follow and apply to terms and conditions.

4.5 The renter may not make any changes to the bike, which cannot be restored without damaging the bike.

4.6 The renter is responsible for updating Jonna on correct home adress in good time. Renters adress must be renters registered home adress, unless Jonna agrees otherwise.

4.7 Renter must be 18 years of age, not have any debt to the state or sw. “betalningsanmärkningar” at the start of or at any point of the subscription period.

4.8 In order to rent an e-bike Jonna will first take a credit check and renter must have a Swedish home insurance.

5. Free service

5.1 Jonna aims to always repair or swap bikes that are not rideable within 5 working days.

5.2 The renter can not claim a refund if a service has not been done in 5 days.

5.3 Free service is only applicable to damages caused by wear, tear and aging of bike.

5.4 Damages cause by third parties, e.g. vandalism, loss or theft are served/swapped first after third party insurance has paid for the costs or, if not possible, after renter has sent a police report to Jonna.

6. Subscription and cancellation

6.1 The subscription and potential plan type is chosen by the renter at the order stage.

6.2 To end a contract renter must give notice 10 days in advance of coming in with bike (see cancellation form in FAQ). After that renter leaves bike, lock and key on booked time/date to Jonna staff and will recieve an email confirmation of handback. The account will be cancelled within 2 working days after bike is handed back, and renter will recieve a second confirmation of this.

6.3 Subscription are always paid 30 days in advance, regardless of what day in the period the month is handed back. If renter has already paid, but first picks up bike several days after, renter has the option to postpone next deduction accordingly. Renters do not get refunds for non-used days at early return early in the billing cycle.

6.4 For committed plans the starting date is the date of the initial order. Once a plan (committed months) are done the subscription carries on to a monthly subscription. Cancellation during a committed plan is not possible, but if a renter still wants/has to hand back the bike the deductions will be done until plan ends.

6.5 The subscription is not applicable to the Swedish distansavtalslagen (lag (2005:59) om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler) after renters have agreed to the bike and started riding. A renter always has the right to cancel and refund before riding away with the bike at start.

6.6 Both Jonna and renters may cancel a monthly subscription at any time. Renters must leave bike and key(s) back to Jonna staff to cancel suscription.

6.7 In the event Jonna cancels a subscription (e.g. due to lack of payment after reminders) an end date will communicated 7 days in the future, during which the renter can hand back the bike. If bike is not handed back within this tima a fee of 100kr/day will be applied for maximum 7 days. If bike is not handed back within 14 days Jonna will report bike as stolen by renter. In that event renter is also required to pay Jonna in full, see table 1, on top of other any other oustanding debt.

Table 1: Full fee bike

7xl standard bike 5,900 SEK
E-bike 20,000 SEK

7. Theft & vandalism

7.1 7 speed standard bike

7.1.1 The bike must always be locked when not in use.

7.1.2 In the event of loss or theft of a bike the renter must report this to Jonna by attaching a police report. If this is done in time, and key is handed back, the lowest deductible will apply. Once user has reported to Jonna, followed up with a police report and paid the deducitble in full the renter can recieve a new bike. See our FAQ (in Swedish) jonnabike.se for instructions on how to file a theft report.

Table 2: Lower deductible

7 vxl standard bike750 SEK
E-bike – only full fee bike, renter uses own home insurance

7.1.3 If the renter does no report theft in due time or does not hand back the bike key, the renter will be invoice the higher fee of 3500 SEK. If the bike is not locked at point of theft, then the theft protection is not applicable and full priceofbike must be paid (table 1).

7.1.4 Subscriptionfees keep running during a claim/theft process is finalized; when key is handed back, fee is paid and police report correctly submitted. Until claim is processed renter does not have the right to cancel the subscription.

7.1.5 If a stolen bike comes back within 4 months to Jonnas location the deductible will we refunded to the renter after deductions of costs to restore the bike.

7.1.6 If parts of the bike is missing or stolen (e.g. saddle, lamp or wheel) the same principle for theft will be applied. Renters are fully liable for missing part, but may use the insurance if costs exceed 750 kr. A specific fee for self cost of parts is available from Jonna.

7.1. 7 The theft fee (deductible) is increased with 750kr per occurence and customer.

7.2 E-bike

7.2.1 For e-bikes there is no form of insurance or theft protection included in the subscription. In the event of theft, the renter will be invoiced the total value of the e-bike, for which the renter might be able to claim on their own insurance.

8. Damages and service

8.1 Renter should bring bike immediately to Jonna for service if they need assistance with regular care (e.g. tightening screws/chain or other loose parts). Jonna will maintain bike within 15 minutes or trade out for a working bike.

8.2 In the event of damages on the bike that far exceed regular wear and tear, Jonna has the right to invoice the user for these extra costs.

8.3 In the event of damage from an accident caused by third party, Jonna needs the third partys contact details and a story of the even which you both agree on, in order to user third party incurance instead of invoicing the renter. If we have all info damages may be covered by a third party insurance. If no contact details or joint story is presented, costs will be payable in full by renter.

9. Payments

10.1 For extra fees, e.g. deductible, Jonna will need the payment in full before handing out a new bike.

10.2 If a recurring payment cannot be done due to insufficient funds, expired card or other, there will be reminder sent to customer to edit their details. If payment is not within Jonnain 7 days of the orignial payment date Jonna will start invoicing with an admin fee of 30 SEK. Unpaid invoices are sent to debt collection.

10. Responsibility

10.1 The renter must inspect the bike are pickup/delivery. If a renter has agreed to a bike and ridden away, this is taken as proof that the bike was working to the users expectations at the start.

10.2 The renter must let Jonna know as soon as possible if there are any issues at all with the bike.

10.3 Use of the bike is at own risk. If there are any safety concerns of the bike, user must contact Jonna immediately.

10.4 It is the renters individual responsibilityto leave back the bike to Jonnas store on an agreed time slot. If the renter neither can or is able to hand back bike at Jonnas location, but wants to cancel contract, then the renter will be invoiced the value of the bike and lock, in order to cancel the agreement.

11. Changes

11.1 Changes in terms are communicated at least one month in advance via web and email.

11.2 Jonna has the right to hand over bad debt to third parties.

12. Lack of obligations

12.1 Jonna has the right to cancel a subscription via email if renter:

– Is in debt and cannot fullfill the terms of the agreement;

– Puposely gives Jonna incorrect information;

– Hyrestagaren inte uppföljer villkoren;

12.2 The renter has the right to cancel the contract if Jonna has seriously failed with following its obligations according to the terms and conditions.